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Collagiste, je réalise des collages et photomontages depuis une vingtaine d’années. J’utilise du matériel glané au hasard ou recherché.
Très sensible aux matériaux et aux textures, je privilégie l’utilisation de papiers collés sur des supports divers, cependant j’aime aussi réaliser des collages numériques.
Fascinée par les images, je les ai toujours collectionnées; non seulement en tant que matériel palpable mais aussi mentalement. Une sorte d'archivage mental des images, lesquelles, en s’amoncelant, m’ont amenée peu à peu à vouloir les organiser, les assembler, à ainsi créer un univers intime dans des photomontages ou assemblages.
Mes inspirations sont des artistes peintres, photographes, poètes ou collagistes.
Je poursuis parallèlement un travail de photographie, lequel a aiguisé mon oeil et
influe naturellement sur les choix de mes compositions.


anitaa was born in France

She works and lives in France, close to the swiss border on the banks of the beautiful Lac Léman.

She is a visual artist and a photographer, and she has been creating collages for more than 20 years using traditional cut and paste technique, her prefered style.

She has also been working with digital collages for example with the

« Vintage and I » serie


Her longstanding fascination with images has nourrished a flourishing talent of original creations.

She draws her inspiration from painters, photographers and other collage artists and

has been  collaborating with outstanding collage artists such as Bob May aka Recombiner or Mesineto.


Feminin diversity is a reccurring theme in her works. Her collages have been described as dreamlike and humorous.


Her work has been exhibited in galleries in France and Switzerland.

On invitation, her collages were shown in 2014 and 2015 with 19 international fellow artists at the Chapelle St Anne curated by Clémentine Feuillet from Galerie Joseph Antonin in Arles, France.

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